BodiMetrics VitalsRx Monitor for Healthcare Professionals

$449.00 $499.00

Product Description

FOR SALE TO HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS ONLY - Consumer Purchase Requires Prescription from a Licensed Physician


VitalsRx Monitor Datasheet

VitalsRx User Manual

BodiMetrics™ VitalsRx captures over vital health metrics in the palm of the hand in less than 30 seconds! Vitals (ECG - Heart Rate - Respiration - Heart Rate Variability - Blood Oxygenation - Temperature); pedometer and medication reminders combined with algorithms and indices provide the information needed to support a healthy lifestyle, chronic care management or remote patient monitoring programs.

BodiMetrics™ VitalsRx tracks and reports on continuous ECG (24 hour Holter) and Blood Oxygenation (SpO2 for up to 15 hours) providing effective monitoring and screening for heart irregularities and sleep related health issues like sleep apnea. Optional Bluetooth Blood Pressure wrist cuff provides the user seamless Blood Pressure metrics and syncing to VitalsRx mobile app and secure cloud.

BodiMetrics™ Cloud is a powerful system that provides patients and clinicians secure and easy connections. Data can flow from one person to another seamlessly and freely under authorization. Both patients and doctors benefit from the availability of data.

  • Data can be synced to cloud automatically
  • Data can be shared with doctor automatically
  • Data can be stored in cloud over long term for health tracking
  • Data is encrypted to protect user privacy

The VitalsRx Health Monitor is intended to be used for measuring, displaying, reviewing and storing of ECG (adults only – continuous ECG is not for children under 12 years of age), oxygen saturation and pulse rate (adults only for continuous data collection and recording, adults and pediatrics for spot checking) and temperature in the home or in healthcare facilities.

This device is not intended to substitute for a hospital diagnostic ECG device and also not to be used on patients with implanted cardiac devices, such as pacemakers and/or implanted cardio-defibrillators (ICDs).

This product is a Class 2 Medical Device and is regulated by the FDA. It is intended for sale to physicians, medical professionals, healthcare organizations and medical facilities. A physician's prescription is required for consumer use. FDA Cleared – 510(k) No.150869 


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